use case

Dynamic modelling

Forecasting and simulation of large-scale, typically network infrastructure such as road, rail or utility networks. Numerous data sources may be integrated to build models which can predict network behaviour and outcomes under hypothetical or counterfactual scenarios in addition to business as usual.

Large / Simulation / Planning

Western Sydney Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model


TfNSW wanted to understand the impacts of future changes in population, land use and employment in Western Sydney on transport network congestion. This would enable development of a future vision and capture of infrastructure and land use intensity required to meet that future vision.


WSP developed a large-scale mesoscopic transport model to assist the planning of Western Sydney and Western Sydney Aerotropolis, including over 900 zones and 3,500 km of modelled network. The model was able to simulate network traffic impacts under different land use and development scenarios, using unconventional inputs such as zoning and population density changes to generate origin-destination trips. Simulation outputs were validated against historical traffic data from the existing Sydney road network, integrated with demographic and spatial datasets.